Jennifer Caldwell
Jennifer Caldwell’s journey with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s began when she noticed symptoms around the age of 50. She found herself getting lost on her way to work and struggling to navigate familiar routes. Although she still recognized her favorite grocery store, she couldn’t remember how to find it. Concerned about her safety, her children began driving her to family gatherings and helping manage her finances.
At 55, Jennifer spoke with her physician, who, after tests and a referral to a specialist, diagnosed her with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s. She took early retirement from her job as an Administrative Assistant at a hospital, where she had been well-liked for her warm, engaging personality. After selling her home, Jennifer moved in with her daughter’s family. As her condition progressed, her daughter’s new job required relocating to another state, and Jennifer chose to remain in her hometown by moving to a dementia care assisted living facility.
Jennifer’s diagnosis was Early-Onset Alzheimer’s, and she required assistance with daily activities. She enjoyed participating in crafts and maintained her ability to crochet, often making gifts for loved ones. Though not an elopement risk, she thrived in a safe, clean environment that supported her need for socialization.
Payment Plan: Jennifer’s care is financed through her early retirement funds, supplemented by long-term care insurance. Her children oversee her finances to ensure she continues to receive quality care while engaging in activities she enjoys.
Price: $4,700 (Studio Room + Level 1 Care)